Saturday, March 26, 2016

Eden Foods

I contacted Eden Foods expressing interest in their products. They have so many different products to offer consumers such as canned beans, dry beans, cereal, chili, condiments, sweeteners, edensoy, dried fruits, fruit juices, fruit sauces, fruit butters, oils, vinegars, pasta, sea vegetables, snack foods, spices, herbs, supplements, teas, tomatoes and sauerkraut along with whole grains. They also have  a macrobiotic line that includes chips, crackers, matcha, miso, mochi, mushrooms, pasta, sea vegetables and soy sauces. Whoa a lot I know! Their website also has sampler's for purchase and items that can be bought in bulk. I was sent two of their pasta's, multiple teas and probiotics. I mean where they reading my mind or something?!?! Pasta is my favorite meal, I enjoy a good cup of tea and my doctor has told me to take probiotics. I struggle with intestinal issues along with allergies that cause me stomach upset. My family history includes heart disease and diabetes so I need to make some changes as I'm quickly approaching 35. Eden Foods has products that will help me make the switch to better nutrition for my specific dietary needs. I can not stress how wonderful this food company is. Their website has a wealth of information for consumers and I provided a link at the end of this blog. I love that they offer the history of each of their products. It makes for quite an interesting read. You can also find recipes on their site or download the Eden Recipes IPhone App. I can just tell this is a very reputable company who has a great interest in their consumers needs.  I am loving the items that was sent to me and I can't wait to try some of their other product's. Now on to my samplings....

*Small Vegetable Shells*

Small Vegetable Shells is organic and 60% whole grain. These little shells come in red (organic beet powder), green (organic spinach powder), orange (organic carrot & annatto powder) and yellow (organic golden Amber durum). This product offers a source of riboflavin B12, fiber, protein, iron, thiamin B1, niacin B3, magnesium and zinc. So much good packed in such a small shell! Eden Foods recommends this product is best used in salads or soups. You could also serve up in casseroles, or pasta dishes with your favorite sauce. So we know it's organic but it also provides very low sodium, is low fat, heart healthy and macrobiotic. 
Small Vegetable Shells was fairly easy to make. Just add to boiling water and cook for about 8-10 minutes. I did my batch at 10 minutes. I boiled with a little olive oil. After draining I tossed with some sea salt, black pepper and fresh squeezed lemon. I loved the texture of this pasta. It was quite firm and I could see the appeal of using in a soup. Overall very tasty and I enjoyed the flavors of each shell added to my zesty lemon juice and kick of black pepper. A 12 ounce box is 340 g and priced at $3.83 on the Eden Foods Website. This pasta can also be purchased in a sampler pack which includes 5 packages of pasta for $18.61.

*Organic Hojicha Roasted Green Tea*

Oh me oh my I love a cup of tea especially a good ole cup of hot brewed green tea. The first I tried was the Roasted Green Tea. This guy is wheat free, gluten free, organic, sodium free, fat free, macrobiotic, and non GMO. Hojicha is a Japanese green tea that is roasted over charcoal in a porcelain pot. Most Japanese teas are steamed. The beauty that makes this tea is that the leaves are placed in ovens, slowly rotated then cooled. This alters the leafs tint from green to reddish brown. Per the website this gives the tea a mild smokey flavor and the aroma of English tea. There is 67% less caffeine in this tea than a brewed coffee. Packaging of Eden Tea bags does not contain any plastic or whiteners. This product provides the benefits of antioxidants and consumers enjoy hot or cold. I prefer hot green tea so I boiled my water and steeped in a ceramic mug. This tea bag smells amazing and has a wonderful flavor. I will be purchasing more of this tea. It is sold on the Eden website for $3.65 and comes in a box of 16 tea bags or a case of 12 boxes for $39.42. This item can also be purchased in a sampler pack for $13.92. It includes 4 boxes of different teas and 16 bags per box. 

*Organic Sencha Green Tea*

I enjoyed this cup of Green Tea in the morning right after my breakfast. Once again I boiled my water and steeped the tea bag in a ceramic mug. This tea offers the benefits of antioxidants and has 41% less caffeine than coffee. Also wheat free, gluten free, organic, kosher, sodium free, fat free, macrobiotic, and non GMO. When it comes to drinking hot teas my go to is the Green Tea. I love how fresh the smell and flavor is. This tea is perfect for anytime of year. The tea bag  package suggest blending this tea with their organic apple juice for an even more refreshing treat. The tea by itself I find very revitalizing. Sencha is a Japanese green tea prepared by infusion. The tea leaves are infused in hot water being gently steamed. They are then rubbed while warm into thin curls and dried in rotating ovens slowly. Once the thin curled leaves are cooled they are packed to seal in the flavor. There are a few options of this tea located on the Eden Website. It is offered in a box of 16 tea bags for $4.10 or a case of 12 boxes for $44.28. It is also offered in the same sampler pack as the Hojicha Roasted Green Tea, this is 4 boxes of different teas for $13.92. Not only are the tea bags for purchase but the Sencha Green Tea is offered in Loose and Loose Leaf varieties. 

*Kamut Ditalini Organic Pasta*

Kamut Ditalini pasta is 100% whole grain.  Ditalini means "little thimbles" according to the Eden Website. Kamut is a wheat that is great for people with wheat sensitivities. This pasta provides omega 3  essential fatty acids, high in fiber, protein and magnesium. Also great source of iron, thiamin B1, niacin B3, and zinc. Eden Foods suggest this pasta is best in soups, salads, stir fried, baked casseroles or just toss with your favorite sauce. Kamut Ditalini is kosher, organic, sodium free, low fat, heart healthy, macrobiotic, high fiber, cholesterol free and non GMO.
Once again Eden Foods pasta is so easy to make. Kamut Ditalini is recommended to cook at a boil for about 9-11 minutes. I cooked my pasta for 11 in olive oil. I then drained and added a little sea salt. I would have loved to try this pasta in a soup but with a sample single portion I ate it with grilled chicken instead. It was wonderfully firm and packed with flavor. I have been making an effort to eat healthier and I really felt like I was cheating with this dish. A 12 ounce box is priced at $3.38 on the Eden Website. A case of 6 boxes can be purchased for $18.25. A sampler pack offers Kamut Ditalini with 4 other packages of pasta for $18.75. 

*Organic Chamomile Herb Tea*

This is my first time trying Chamomile Tea. I usually stick to the greens. The world chamomile translates to "earth apple". I thought that was an interesting tid bit in my research. Chamomile has many medicinal purposes such as treating hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasms, insomnia, ulcers and GI disorder. This tea is caffeine free, wheat free, gluten free, kosher, organic, sodium free, fat free, macrobiotic and non GMO. I prepared this tea as I always do, boiled water and tea bag steeped in a ceramic mug. Eden Foods recommends brewing for exactly 4 minutes. I decided to try at bedtime and I like this tea. It has what I would describe as a floral taste with a nutty after taste. I'm not sure what nut though. Eden Foods Egyptian tea is hand harvested and dried providing the consumer with a calming, soothing experience. I felt so relaxed after drinking this tea. I'm a person with multiple sleeping disorders and this calmed my anxiety down enough to become drowsy and sleep well through the night. If you have trouble sleeping I definitely recommend trying this. I don't like sleep medications and this is a healthy alternative. Organic Chamomile Herb Tea is $2.96 for a box of 16 tea bags on the Eden Foods Website. A case of 12 boxes is $31.97. There is a sampler pack including this tea and four other boxes of teas for $17.86. 

*Organic Genmaicha Green Tea with Roasted Brown Rice*

As soon as I opened this pack the aroma hit me. It reminded me of walking through a gourmet food store. Genmaicha means "brown rice tea". This tea is also referred to as "popcorn tea" due to the grains of rice that may pop during the roasting process. It has a pleasant nutty taste to it with 80% less caffeine than brewed coffee. This tea provides the benefits of antioxidants, is also wheat free, gluten free, kosher, sodium free, fat free, macrobiotic, and non GMO. I had this cup of tea while catching up on some of my favorite shows after dinner. I really had hunger pains for some reasons and was fighting the urge to snack. I felt this tea helped to curb my appetite. A box of 16 tea bags can be purchased on the Eden Foods Website for $3.86. A case of 12 boxes is $41.69. The sampler with 4 different boxes of tea is $13.92. 

*Organic Sencha Ginger Green Tea*

This is the same Sencha Green Tea I talked about earlier but with Ginger added to the mix. I love all things Ginger and the taste of this tea really gave my taste buds a kick. Eden Foods says that this tea "Soothes, Warms and Brightens". I was a little down in the dumps and this tea seemed to brighten my spirit a bit. The smell and taste of ginger within this tea doesn't disappoint. This tea has 41% less caffeine then coffee. It is also wheat free, gluten free, kosher, sodium free, fat free, macrobiotic and non GMO. Sencha Ginger Green Tea is $4.22 for a box of 16 tea bags. A case is priced at $45.58 for 12 boxes. The sampler is $17.86 and includes 5 different boxes of tea. 

*Organic Hojicha Chai Roasted Green Tea with Spices*

I was really surprised at this cup of tea. I didn't intend to like it but I did. Chai tea is an acquired taste. I myself have been on a Chai tea hiatus since 2013. I use to drink it weekly but had some when I was terribly sick with strep throat. I just haven't been the same since and couldn't bring myself to drink it but this cup I loved! The morning I enjoyed this tea, it was a bit nippy outside so it was a perfect cup of tea to start the day. It is wonderfully fragrant due to the blend of spices within such as cinnamon bark, cardamom seed, ginger root, Chinese star anise, roasted chicory root and cloves. Great combined with hot apple cider! It also makes a lovely potpourri for the home. This tea has 67% less caffeine than coffee. It is wheat free, gluten free, kosher, sodium free, fat free, macrobiotic and non GMO. This box of tea with 16 teabags is $4.85 at Eden Foods. A case of 12 boxes is $52.38. A sampler of 5 boxes of different teas is $17.86.

*Organic Sencha Mint Green Tea with Spearmint & Peppermint*

Sencha Mint is a blend with Egyptian spearmint and peppermint. This tea had a clean fragrance and crisp taste. I dabble using peppermint essential oils so I knew I would enjoy my cup of tea. Peppermint and spearmint are great for combating digestive and respiratory illnesses. My cup of tea proved useful as the day was 30 degrees cooler than the one before. Usually my allergies and head go haywire with such a weather change but I had no troubles. This tea has 41% less caffeine than coffee. It is also wheat free, gluten free, kosher, sodium free, fat free, and non GMO. Eden Foods sales a box of 16 tea bags for $4.22. A case of 12 boxes can be purchased for $45.58. This comes in the Sampler #2 along with 4 other boxes of tea priced at $17.86.

*Organic Sencha Rose Green Tea with Rose Hips & Petals*

Another great cup of tea! I could see the beautiful Bulgarian rose hips and Moroccan rose petals right in the tea bag while steeping my cup. A wonderful tea that is capable of giving ones immune system a boost. It's been crazy lately and this tea really seemed to uplift my mood. I feel more at ease since drinking this morning's cup. There is 41% less caffeine in Sencha Rose than coffee. As most of the other Eden Teas it is wheat free, gluten free, kosher, sodium free, fat free, macrobiotic and non GMO. Eden Foods has priced a box of 16 tea bags at $3.59. A case of 12 boxes is $38.77 or the sampler along with 4 other boxes of tea is $17.86. 

*Organic Kukicha Twig Tea*

This was my last tea bag from Eden Foods and it didn't disappoint. Kukicha is made from the stems, stalks and twigs of the tea plant. It has it's own unique flavor that you would have to try for yourself. I find it to have a somewhat nutty taste. This tea has 90% less caffeine than a brewed coffee and perfect for children as well. Eden Foods recommends mixing with their organic apple juice for a nice treat. Kukicha Twig Tea is wheat free, gluten free, kosher, sodium free, fat free, macrobiotic and non GMO. Same as their other tea selections. This tea is $3.86 for a box of 16 teabags. The case of 12 boxes is $41.69. The sampler #1 with four boxes of different tea is $13.92. This tea also comes in loose and loose leaf.


I have a very angry stomach and intestines which can't make it's mind up on how to be. You can read between the lines on that one. TMI I know! I have visited a GI doctor on numerous occasions and the first thing she told me was to take probiotics. Bifa-15 is a supplement packed full of healthy bacteria that is beneficial to the intestines. There is a wealth of information on the Eden Foods website about Bifa-15 and how this product works. It can help provide one with a healthy digestive system. This product is easy to use; just tear open the package, pour in the mouth and swallow. It has a lemony taste that I find quite pleasant. It kinda reminds me of candy. Something I wouldn't mind taking daily! It does not work well in liquids as I tried my first dose in a glass of orange juice before fully reading the directions for use. A lot of the supplement was left behind. You should not allow product to dissolve in a hot liquid either. Please consult the website provided below for the proper way to use. I will not go into detail about my intestinal issues but I have noticed a positive difference after using this product for 3 days. If you are in search of probiotics I suggest giving this a try. It is wheat free, gluten free, sodium free, fat free and non GMO. The pack I tried came with 3 tubes and cost $3.77. This can also be purchased in a case.

Eden Foods sent me some pamphlets with information on the items they sent me, multiple coupons and a sticker. I am so impressed with this company and the care they have to keep consumers well informed of what they are consuming and putting into their body. I will definitely be purchasing more products in the future!

If you are interested in learning more about Eden Foods and purchasing their product's you can find them here:

Monday, March 21, 2016

Influenster VoxBox: L'Oreal Paris Extraordinary Oil

I was selected by Influenster for the L'Oreal Paris Extraordinary Oil Curls Vox Box. My box included shampoo, conditioner, hair mask and a $2 off coupon. I was super excited to be chosen for this campaign because my hair needs some tender loving care. I'm constantly trying new products till I find that one savior! My hair has two different curl patterns. I've tried to figure out the pattern numbers but it is super confusing. I have wavy hair that is normal and then parts of my hair are super curly and very dry/brittle. My hair gets tangled easily and I'm constantly losing strands. I use to keep it in a very short bob but since becoming a stay at home parent, who can't afford the salon anyone, I have just let it grow. My typical hair style lately is to throw up in a messy bun because my long hair is too difficult to deal with. I would love to show off my long locks sometime. I'm hoping L'Oreal Paris Extraordinary Oil Curls will give my hair life again! This regimen of products is for dry, curly hair. It works to nourish and define curls. Results are expected just after one wash. Let's see how it did....

*Extraordinary Oil Curls Shampoo*

This shampoo smells wonderful. At least to me it does. I read a few reviews online and some people disagree with me and hate the scent. I guess it's an acquired taste. The scent is a musky, vanilla smell that stays with you after washing. It is a beautiful peachy color. The oils in this shampoo are Amla, Coconut, Soja, Rose and Sunflower. I do have experience with coconut oil. It really is a great moisturizer. When applying this shampoo it feels as if my hair really seeps it in. There is not much lather at first but as I work it in to my hair and the more my hair seeps up the shampoo the lather builds quite a bit. After rinsing the shampoo out my hair feels a little heavier. I followed my shampoo with the Re-Nourish Mask as recommended on the shampoo label.

*Extraordinary Oil Curls Re-Nourish Mask*

I used this system twice now. The Re-Nourish Mask feels great on my hair. First time I used on my whole head but a day after washing I felt the parts of my hair were too oily. I readjusted the way I used this treatment at my next wash. I decided to concentrate on my ends and work my way up to only the middle of my hair. These parts of my hair are the driest/curliest. It worked a lot better for me and this will be how I continue to use the Re-Nourish Maskfrom. I leave the mask in for about 4 minutes and after rinsing I can really feel the difference. My hair seems silkier. This mask has all the same oils as the shampoo. It is somewhat thick and applies well. I followed the Re-Nourish Mask with the conditioner. 

*Extraordinary Oil Curls Conditioner*

Extraordinary Oil Curls conditioner is love! It is thick, creamy and coats my hair well. Using this conditioner after the shampoo and mask, makes my hair feels so good. I can tell my hair has been nourished and it seems so silky. I have no problems detangling and can run my brush right through. I have never been able to comb my hair as I have read that is best for curly heads. With this product I believe I could. Now for a before and after pic....

....not too bad for the first go round! Like I mentioned previously, I have used this system twice. So far so good. I think it helped a great deal. My second day after my first use my hair felt a bit oily so I suggest if you have wavy/curly hair that has some normal areas that aren't dry just to focus using the mask on the dry areas. That helped tone down the oiliness and work where I needed it most. I still have issues with frizz and this product line offers an oil in cream that may prove beneficial. Other than my frizz I really enjoyed using the Extraordinary Oil Curls system. I can't wait to see long term results with these products.

I even received a $2 off coupon that I'm putting to use on the oil in cream. I will have to update you guys with my results!

If you are interested in joining Influenster click on my referral link here:

Friday, March 11, 2016

CrowdTap CrowdKit Mission: Garnier Whole Blends

I was picked for the Garnier Whole Blends CrowdKit Mission and boy was I ecstatic. I love trying different shampoos and conditioners and can't wait to see what all these gems have in store for me.   My kit contained 5 sample packs of Honey Treasures Repairing Shampoo and 5 sample packs of Honey Treasures Repairing Conditioner, 5 sample packs of Hydrating Coconut Water & Vanilla Milk Extracts Shampoo and 5 sample packs of Coconut Water & Vanilla Milk Extracts Conditioner, last 5 sample packs Smoothing Coconut Oil & Cocoa Butter Extracts Shampoo and 5 sample packs of Smoothing Coconut Oil & Cocoa Butter Extracts Conditioner. Whole Blends also comes in a color care formula with Argan Oil & Cranberry Extracts. A nourishing formula that replenishes and restores containing Avocado Oil & Shea Butter Extracts. Last a refreshing formula of Green Apple & Green Tea Extracts that revitalizes and provides a shine boost.  As part of my of my mission I was asked to share with two friends. I chose to share a sample of each pack with my mother and niece. I hope they enjoy Wholesome Blends as much as I did. No let's see how it went.....

*Honey Treasures Repairing Shampoo & Conditioner*

I'm not too keen on honey products lately for some reason and I was caught off guard with this one. I absolutely loved the smell of this shampoo and conditioner . They are heavenly! This formula is meant to strengthen and heal damaged hair. There is royal jelly, honey and propolis extracts right in this natural blend product. It is paraben free and also comes in a repairing mask. The shampoo had a great lather and the conditioner was creamy, thick. Both applied well to my hair. I have had issues with severely dry hair and seeing a bit falling out. Therefore, I decided to use this strengthening formula first. My hair felt somewhat thicker as I was applying the shampoo. I had significant tangles before washing and the conditioner helped quite a bit with that. I was able to brush out my hair with my detangling brush somewhat quickly and seen less breakage. I would be interested to see my results if I was to use the Repairing Mask Treatment that is suggested for extra care on the back of the sample. Here is a picture of my hair afterwards.
My hair did seem stronger with the Honey Treasures formula. I didn't see much fall out while brushing. My hair is still its usual frizzy, curly self but stronger!

*Hydrating Coconut Water & Vanilla Milk Extracts Shampoo & Conditioner*

The Hydrating line of Garnier Whole Blends consist of Indian Coconut Water and Madagascan Vanilla Milk Extracts. It is meant to quench and soften dry hair. I have curly/wavy hair and yes it stays pretty dry. That's a given. The smell is intoxicating. The conditioner even better than the shampoo. While brushing my hair after washing I kept getting a whiff. It kinda puts you in a romantic mood. My wet strands seem somewhat silkier. Usually my ends are dry before I even finish detangling my hair but with this formula they are still wet. This formula also offers a 2 in 1 shampoo and a hydrating mask. Now to the results...

...I can definitely tell a difference with the Hydrating formula. The end of my hair aren't as dry and my hair feels less coarse. Overall my hair is smooth and silky as curly hair gets. I'm loving it!

*Smoothing Coconut Oil & Cocoa Butter Extracts Shampoo & Conditioner*

I decided to use the Smoothing formula on my daughters hair. She has beautiful hair and I wanted to see how well it worked on the frizz. We constantly get compliments on how gorgeous her hair is from strangers when we are out and about. The Smoothing line consist of South Pacific Coconut Oil and West African Cocoa Butter Extracts. These products are intended to tame and control frizzy hair. I used as directed on her hair. I felt her hair detangled very easily after washing. We both loved the scent. My daughter who is 6 said it made her want to drink out of a coconut. She is silly! This formula I would love to travel with me to the beach. You can also purchase a smoothing leave in Conditioner and a smoothing oil.  I took two before pictures of her and then an after the next day...
....this was probably my least favorite formula afterwards. It is meant to battle frizz but I didn't really see that happening with my daughters hair. She did sleep on it wet so I didn't get to witness the effects of the product line the same day. I'm curious if that would have made a difference and I'm interested in trying it again. I think she would have benefited from using the Smoothing Oil this line offers to battle her frizz. I would recommend the Conditioner for detangling purposes though. I always battle tangles with her hair but this formula left the hair almost tangle free. I only had to put the brush through her hair three times and I was done. That is pretty awesome for wavy/curly hair!

You can find out more about Garnier Whole Blends here:

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


I contacted NeoCell with interest in their products. They sent me a few samples to try and I must say NeoCell is pretty awesome. This company is family owned and dedicated to providing consumers "premium quality collagen-based supplements" to promote a more youthful life. NeoCell has partnered with an organization called Vitamin Angel to provide children with the nutrition they need to thrive. For every 1 product of Neocell sold, 1 child is provided with the nutrients they need for 1 whole year in turn reducing the child mortality rate by 24%. This epidemic is known as "hidden hunger" and NeoCell and Vitamin Angel have helped over 100,000,000 at risk mothers an children thrive and survive. NeoCell is also big on the environment. They are committed to minimizing waste with eco-conscious packaging that also saves energy. Their product line consists of supplements for total body health, joint health, antioxidant health, sport recovery health, vitamins to promote beauty from within, ligament, tendon & muscle health and a platinum matrix collection. You can find NeoCell products at fine health food stores nationwide. Though I can not provide you with stories of long term benefits while using these products I can show you the samples I received.

*Beauty Bursts Gourmet Collagen Soft Chews: Fresh Mint Chocolate*

The Beauty Bursts Gourmet Collagen Soft Chew is a dietary supplement that claims to provide the consumer with beautiful and radiant skin. The fresh mint chocolate is really tasty. A perfect blend of mint and chocolate. It was chewy and had texture kind of like a caramel. I took or rather ate this supplement first thing in the morning with my breakfast. This little beauty is gluten, soy and palm oil free. It is all natural and contains Vitamin C which is a collagen enhancer, hyaluronic acid for skin hydration and collagen 1&3 which promotes skin rebuilding. Beauty Bursts is also available in Fruit Punch. 

*Beauty Bursts Gourmet Collagen Soft Chews: Super Fruit Punch*

The Super Fruit Punch has the same benefits as the Fresh Mint Beauty Burst. Only difference is the flavor. I thought I would prefer the chocolate but I actually like the fruit punch chew better. It has a fruity taste of course and I can't point out one distinct fruit flavor. It is just something you would have to try for yourself in deciding which beauty burst flavor is most favorable. Overall I could see me taking either flavor of Beauty Bursts regularly. I've only had two so I can't yet speak on the long term benefits of these guys but only taste and side effects if any. I have NO side effects to report. NO upset stomach, nausea or heart palpation's as I have seen with other vitamins/supplements. I highly recommend Beauty Bursts to those sensitive to supplements like me. The NeoCell website does not directly sell their products but has a directory of stores by zip code that do. The closest to me was a GNC who offered this product for $19.99 and it is a 60 day supply which is a package of 60 soft chews. Consumers using this flavor soft chew long term, based on the GNC site, are giving this product 4 and half stars out of 5.

*Hyaluronic Acid: Nature's Moisturizer*

I tried this product and totally forgot to get a picture of it. I like to do that so people can visualize exactly what I'm telling them about. Any who, this was a clear capsule with a light brown almost sand color powder inside. The capsule wasn't too big and was easy to swallow. I took it on a empty stomach as advised. It was suggested to wait 20 minutes before a meal but I went almost an hour. I have no horrible side effects to report from this supplement either. It is recommended to take two capsules daily. There was a taste to it but nothing I couldn't tolerate. This capsule is gluten free and contains no soy, wheat, lactose, starch, yeast or artificial colors. This product works to hydrate skin, reduce wrinkles and provide lubrication to the joints and eyes. I was able to locate this at a Whole Food's store near me. This store does not sell products online so I was unable to view consumer feedback or price of this supplement. Hyaluronic Acid comes in 100mg with 60 capsules and is a 30 day supply. 

*Super Collagen*

I tried the Super Collagen first thing upon waking one morning on an empty stomach. I poured into my orange juice. The directions advised juice or water. I kinda just dumped the whole packet in but I would recommend a slow pour and mixing in between. My mixture clumped up and didn't fully dissolve. It wasn't a problem though as I was able to drink my juice, clumpiness and all, and only tasted my O.J. I ate my breakfast directly after drinking the collagen concoction. Once again no side effects to report. I love that because of all the troubles I have had from other supplements/vitamins in the past. This clinically tested product is non-gmo and gluten free. Also does not contain soy, wheat, lactose, starch, corn, yeast or artificial flavors. Testing has shown that 92% have had an increase in skin hydration. Collagen is considered the body's anti-aging protein. This powder is used for hair, skin, nails, joint and bone health. There is a great video on NeoCell's website that explains Collagen in the body. A link to the website is at the end of my blog. It comes in a 7oz container and is 6,600 Mg of Collagen 1&3 with 30 servings per container and is $15.99 at a retailer near me. Consumers using this product long term have given it 5 stars. 

*Fish Collagen +HA*

I took this supplement as directed, 2 capsules on an empty stomach. Then had breakfast about 30 minutes later. I have no ill side effects to report. The capsules are medium sized and easy to swallow. This product does not contain soy, lactose, wheat, starch, yeast or artificial flavors and is gluten free. It does contain Tilapia hence the fish collagen. I would benefit the most from this supplement as I eat no fish in my diet. I have never cared for seafood much and I'm allergic to shellfish. This supplement utilizes Collagen Type 1 to build strength of the skin. Hyaluronic Acid as a lubricant to skin, joints and eyes. Last it has Copper that aids in collagen production. This supplement is 2,000 mg and comes in a 120 capsule bottle. This is a 30 day supply as it is directed to take 2 capsules  twice daily. A retailer nearby has this for $19.99 and long term consumers have given it 4 out of 5 stars.

*Derma Matrix Collagen Skin Complex*

Derma Matrix is part of the NeoCell Platinum Matrix Collection. Considered one of their premium product's, this formula won the 2015 Taste For Life Essentials Award. It works to reduce lines and wrinkles, increase hydration, improve cell turnover and elasticity. NeoCell site states it increases hydration by 21% and 65% of people report firmer, softer skin. This item is another pour in supplement. I poured into my juice on an empty stomach before taking my daughter to school. I then ate breakfast when I got home. Again no nasty side effects to report. Consumers have given this a 5 star rating. It is 183g and $24.99 for a 30 day supply at a retailer closest to me.

*Super Collagen +C*

Super Collagen +C seems to be NeoCell's standout product based on my opinion of their website. I took this product as directed on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Suggested dosage is 6 tablets daily but my sample pack contained 3 so I took what I had. These tablets are huge and do have a bit of an after taste other than that no side effects to report. There are many benefits to using this supplement from joint & bone health to an array of beauty benefits. This supplement claims to fix damaged nails, beautify complexion and thicken hair. All these spectacular benefits makes a girl excited to try for the long term to see how it goes. Super Collagen +C can be purchased in a 120 tablet formula which is a 20 day supply and is $15.99 at a retailer near me. Or you can purchase a 250 tablet bottle which is a little over a 41 day supply at $24.99 a bottle. This supplement has been given a 5 star rating from consumers using long term.

Overall I have enjoyed trying the NeoCell products. I am anxious to get to a retailer near me and make a purchase. I just need to decide which one I want to go with long term. Although I just had sample packs and haven't given NeoCell a long term go, I am already seeing benefits. While taking these products I have refrained from using any lotion or moisturizer on my skin. Usually my legs are dry and ashy. My arms usually bother me because they are so itchy and I have dry patches on my face during the winter months. When I look down at my arms they are glistening and glowing as if I just applied lotion. My face and legs aren't dry. I can definitely see a difference and these supplements are working to hydrate my skin from within.

Along with my sample packs NeoCell has provided me with information on where to purchase product's and I will provide that infomation to you. Retail stores that carry their product's include:
GNC, Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, Sprouts, Walmart, Sams Club, Plum Market, Co-op, BetterHealth, Mother's, Sunflower, Vitamin Cottage, Central Market and Fruitful Yield. 

Phone Orders can be placed at:
Swanson Vitamins: 800-824-4491
Vitacost: 800-381-0759
Lucky Vitamin: 888-635-0474

NeoCell also provided a list of stores where you can place orders online. They are:                                

If you are interested in learning more about NeoCell and all the benefits their supplements have to offer please visit their website at:

You can also find them on Linked In, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

CrowdTap CrowdKit Mission: Ampoe Pedi Perfect Wet & Dry Rechargeable Foot File

I was very excited when I heard I was getting the chance to try the Ampoe Pedi Perfect Wet & Dry Rechargeable Foot File. This came via a CrowdTap CrowdKit mission and is sponsored by Amope. I use to love my pedicures but being a stay at home mom that is a luxury I have had to forget. Every year I have tried many methods of getting rid of the dry, cracked heels the winter weather leaves behind. Every year I fall short and I'm left with ugly heels and embarrassment. I carry on in my flip flops though because it's just too damn hot to wear sneakers all summer. Now about this Ampoe file I recieved. It is cordless and has a charging station to recharge. It can be used wet or dry. My favorite feature is that I can multi task and use it wet because I'm always in a rush. I can just get in the shower and buff away then be flip flop ready. I used this file both wet and dry. It is easy to use and isn't painful at all. When you are done just pop it back on the charger. Now for my before and after results....

....As you can see in my before picture, My heels are really dry and I have cracked skin. I used the file to buff away the skin. You can see the dead, dry skin shedding away as you buff. I provided you with a picture of the dry skin remnants. Yes that is my dry skin I buffed away on top of a towel. Crazy I know. I can see the difference and feel it too. My heels are so soft and smooth. I used a little lotion after buffing and just look at the results. This product is awesome and will save me from embrassment this spring and summer. I will be utilizing the Ampoe Wet & Dry file from now on. It has changed the game of my at home pedicures! So looking forward to all the pretty toe nail polish changes to match my outfits and compliment my beautiful heels.