Sunday, April 17, 2016

CrowdTap CrowdKit Mission: Fast Acting Advil

This CrowdKit couldn't have come at a better time and it has really been a lifesaver. My CrowdKit for this mission consisted of six samples packs of Advil Film Coated. I also received several  $3.00 off coupons that I passed along to my family and friends. I have two herniated disc in my neck. That in itself causes me sporadic pain but I also have really tight muscles in my neck and shoulders because that area stays tense and I'm a migraine suffer as well. I have been taking Cymbalta for pain management and am having to wean off this medicine in order to take a sleep study. I'm having increasing pain due to this and Advil has really helped to relieve my pain and take the edge off. I was able to get out of the house this weekend and attend Family Funday with my extended Family. We try to get together every Sunday. Some people miss here and there because of illness pertaining to pain. I was able to share my experience with them and how Advil film coated helped me. My family was happy to receive the coupons and are going to give it a try. I was also able to cook for them which is one of my passion's passed down from my late grandmother. My sister even brought some nice crafts for the kids and we had a fun time!
            (My great nephew Bryan)

(Crafts with my niece on Sunday Family Funday)

Without the help of Advil I would have been stuck in the house this Sunday. Advil Film Coated is fast acting, easy to swallow and has no unpleasant taste like other pain relievers. I recommend this product to anyone needing fast pain relief. It really works!

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