Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Seventh Generation Healthy Home Baby Party

I recieved a big wonderful box of products to share with friends and family of seventh generation products and affiliates. We are so thankful we got to enjoy a Healthy Home Baby Party. I recieved these products for free and all opinions are 100% my own.

First let's take a look at the contents of my box....
...so much fun stuff. Seventh generation diapers and wipes, full size Seventh generation dish liquid and samples of laundry detergent, cough syrup samples from Zarbees and a Babble! There was also coupons, informational material and a Bingo game.

I sent out E-vites and told some people about my party by world of mouth.
....Then I got my bags ready for the showing!!! I keep some products for my self and tried a few samples. I also gave my guest samples, information and coupons. Now I'm going to tell you about the products I and my guest tried.

So I really enjoyed the Seventh Generation dish liquid. I actually tried this product first. The Lemongrass & Clementine Zest scent was pleasant. I love that it is made from essential oils. The liquid was gentle on my hands but tough enough to clean my stainless steel pan after frying bacon. My guest of the Healthy Home baby party were able to enjoy a sample of the Lavendar Floral and Mint version.

My guests were very excited to recieve a sample of the Seventh Generation Free and Clear laundry detergent. We have several eczema sufferers in the crowd. I got rave reviews of this product so far.

The pack of diapers went to my little buddy here who is also my great nephew. Great for sensitive skin and holds up well through the night. He also got to try the Seventh Generation wipes along with some other guest. The sample pack contained two wipes which is perfect for on the go in the diaper bag or in your purse. I also used the pack of diaper wipes for my one year old daughter. I loved that they were fragrance free and no harsh chemicals. My babe irritates easily and these wipes were perfect for her needs.

 I stole this from my Twitter....my daughter just happen to have a horrible cough and the Zarbees cough syrup really came in handy. She didn't complain about the flavor in fact she actually loved the agave. This cough syrup is safe for 2 months old and up.

Last product and not least is....
...my babble. I showed family and friends this product at my Healthy Home Baby Party. Everyone begged to have it but I kept this goodie for myself. Your own personal water filtration service. It will last for 300 standard water bottles and you just replace the filter after two months. I don't know about you but our family goes through about two cases of water a week. Mainly because of me so this is definately a savings for my family.

I really enjoyed the having the Healthy Home Baby Party. It's always a joy to get family and friends together and what better way then introducing then to some really great products. I thank Seventh Generation for sending me these products to allow it to happen. If you like samples and enjoy helping the environment join now at Seventh Generation #GenerationGood:


  • If you are interested in Seventh Generation you can find them at:

              Website: http://www.seventhgeneration.com/

               Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seventhgeneration/

               Twitter: https://twitter.com/SeventhGen

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