Wednesday, February 24, 2016

ENER G Foods

I contacted ENER G foods with interest in their products. I didn't hear back from them but received a wonderful package in the mail filled with goodies! Cookies and pretzels are some of my favorite snack foods. This company interested me because it offers foods for people with allergies and specialized diets. If you have ever known someone deathly allergic to peanuts then you know how scary it can be and how any restaurant outing practically feels like you give the server the third degree. I am not as highly allergic to foods as others but I do have food allergies. My allergies give me intestinal upset and I think I have more food allergies than I found out with testing. I was told my allergies to food consist of pecans, sweet peas, tomatoes and shellfish. All those foods I ate regularly except shellfish. I just never cared for shellfish so there is no issue of avoidance there. I do love pecans though. But enough about me, let's talk about these wonderful snacks and a little about ENER G Foods. This company has created foods since 1962 starting with the creation of low protein items for renal pre-dialysis patients. They have evolved to offer foods for all individuals with diet restrictive needs. Making sure to provide a great tasting product that is risk free, wholesome and nutritious. They offer wheat free, gluten free, dairy free, casein free, tree nut free and peanut free items as well as low protein products, yeast free, egg free and soy free. They are also Kosher certified. Once orders are placed, baking begins so they can offer consumers the freshest products available. Their packaging allows up to one year of shelf life with no need to refrigerate or the worry of added preservatives.  The ENER G website offers many gluten free recipes and you are able search for products based on allergen. This company's mission is to constantly keep up with the demand of specialized diets through research. Now on to the snackage:

*Original Pretzels*

I thought the Original flavored pretzels were quite tasty. These guys are wheat and gluten free. There is just a tid bit of salt and it's the perfect amount. This pretzel had a Big Crunch that I just adored! It seemed to have a hint of a buttery taste. My one year old took one bite and stole the bag from me. I honestly think I enjoyed this snack better than other pretzel brands.

*Sesame Pretzel*

The Sesame Pretzel are also wheat and gluten free. You can see sesame seeds right in the pretzel. These were okay but probably my least favorite of all the pretzels I tried from ENER G. I think this flavor would make an awesome addition to a salad. It would pack a Big Crunch making a wonderful salad topper. It is still perfect as just a plain ole snack and my toddler loved this flavor as well.

*Garlic Pretzel*

The Garlic flavor pretzel was my favorite of the three. I love garlic and this snack had the perfect amount of garlicky goodness. My oldest daughter who is six was home after school when I opened this bag. I only got a few pretzels before I had to surrender the whole bag to her. She loved them. Like the others they are big on crunch and then you add the garlic flavor, so yummy!

*Pretzel Cookies*

The Pretzel Cookies I found quite interesting. I'm the only one in the household who seemed to like them. That's okay though more for me! These guys are gluten, wheat and dairy free. They weren't really that sweet nor were they bland. It's a flavor I can't describe and something one would just have to try for them self. They're not hard but have kind of crumbly texture. I could eat them plain or they would be awesome crumbled over sugared strawberries, ice cream or yogurt. I'm not lactose sensitive so ice cream and yogurt is okay for me. I enjoyed them though and would definitely like to purchase in the future.  

If you are interested in learning more about ENER G Foods and where to purchase, you can find them here:

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