Monday, February 1, 2016

Nature's Gate Product's

I contacted Nature's Gate with interest in trying their product's and as you can see above they sent me a whole bunch of goodies. Now if you have never heard of this company that started in 1972 you are in for a treat. Nature's Gate product's thrive on a wholistic approach within the beauty world. Everything about them is a journey to living a better, healthier life. Some of their unquie traits that appealed to me:

-Vegan Friendly/No animal testing
-Packaging made with recycable material
-Eco-Consicious by preserving energy to produce their product's and in turn reserving water 
-Gluten Free/Non GMO
-Promise of safe, natural and effective ingredients
-Charitable in the community. Raises awareness of global water crises.

Nature's Gate has so much to offer to nuture your spirit. Their line includes hair, body, oral, facial, sun and baby/kids products. I am so gracious to have recieved so many samples from this company and I am a huge fan. So let's dive in and learn about the goodies they sent and what I thought!


*Herbal Daily Cleanse Shampoo & Conditioner*
I must say I think I adore this shampoo and conditioner. The smell is heavenly and lingers with you. My husband came home from work and asked, "what is that smell", as soon as he walked in the door. I had him take a whiff of my hair and he loves the scent too! The shampoo's consistency/color kinda resembled  honey. It lathered really well and I used as directed. Now the conditioner was thicker of course and it had the resemblance of carmel. I massaged into my scalp and let sit for about 3 minutes. 1-3 minutes is what is advised. I could tell the shampoo went to work cleansing my hair. The conditioner felt like it was fighting my dry, brittle hair and working on my tangled mess. I used these product's in between 3 days of not washing my hair. I usually go 2-3 days because I have wavy/curly hair. After conditioning I wrung the excess water out of my hair and wrapped with a t-shirt. I feel the Herbal line worked well with my hair. I'm prone to tangles and I was able to brush my hair out with a detangling brush within 10 minutes. The usual is 30 minutes with my normal product's. I would love to use the Herbal Daily Cleanse Shampoo and Conditioner again. I give it five stars for cleansing, conditioning, detangling and smell.

*Awapuhi Ginger+Holy Basil Volumizing Shampoo & Conditioner*
I used these two days in between washing my hair. I'm still torn about this shampoo and conditioner when it comes to scent. It had a somewhat overpowering sweet smell while lathering. After application it toned down quite a bit and had a pleasantly sweet aroma. The shampoo was clear with a light brownish tint and lathered well. Conditioner was off white and coated my hair well. I left on for 3 minutes as advised. I swear my hair felt a little heavier after rinsing or maybe my mind was thinking VOLUME. My hair was a little tangled but nothing crazy like my norm.


*Rice Bran Cleansing Milk & Moisturizer*
These product's are for the face and geared toward Normal/Dry skin. I used on my neck area as well. First, I started with a wet face and massaged in the cleansing milk. This product was thin and white resembling milk but of course, hence the name cleansing milk. Then rinsed and last patted area dry. I used this while in the shower. I didn't care for the scent so much but it was not overbearing. I could instantly feel my face felt less dry and somewhat soft. It complimented my needs well. After getting out of the shower, I patted my face dry again and applied the Rice Bran Moisturizer. It was a little heavier consistency than the milk but still thin and white. A little of this goes a long way. I didn't have to use the whole sample packet for my face and can probably get 2 more uses out of it. The scent was more pleasant than the milk but not my favorite. These two made my face feel soft and moisturized. I do have extra dry areas on my face due to wearing a CPAP mask to sleep that still need a little attention. I feel if I continued to use these product's awhile my needs would be completely addressed.

*Lemon Verbena Cleansing Gel & Oil Free  Moistrizer* 
I really enjoyed the scent of these product's. You could smell the clean lemon and undertones of mint. The cleansing gel was clear, lathered well and I massaged into face as directed. The moisturizer was white and I applied to face and neck. These left me feeling a little dry but as I've mentioned before I have ultra dry areas in my cheeks, nose and upper lip due to wearing a CPAP mask. Being that they are recommended for normal/oily skin, they are probably not what is best for my skin needs.

*Avocado Night Creme & Grape Seed Eye Cream*
I tried both these product's after a night time shower. First was the Grape Seed Eye Cream. It was a white cream with  a mild scent. I dabbed under my eyes, in between and then patted dry. My eye area does feel softer. Appearance wise, I can not tell a difference, which I'm sure won't happen with one application, but would be interested in seeing how things go after a month of use. Next, I used the Avocado Night Creme. It was white and much thicker then all the facial products I tried. I'm guessing the thicker consistency is due to being a night cream. It didn't have much of a scent. I rubbed into my face and neck then patted dry. I don't feel as dry in my problem areas. I'm torn how I feel about this product because it does feel a tad heavy.


*Hemp Vegan Body Wash*
This product was clear and had a very intoxicating scent. It lathered well with my body poof and I felt it hydrated my skin well. I give it 5 stars!!!

*Fragrance Free Vegan Lotion* 
I used this body lotion straight out of the shower after using the Hemp body wash.  It did have a slight scent to it even with being fragrant free. Nothing bothersome though and most likely due to the smell of the packaging. It's not too thin or completely thick but somewhere in between. This lotion applies well and left my skin feeling well hydrated. 

*Papaya Vegan Lotion*
Oh my goodness! This by far is my fav from the body care line. I absolutely loved this creamy, white succulent lotion. The Papaya scent left me feeling like I was in a tropical paradise. Just imagine sitting poolside at an extravagant resort, enjoying a cocktail or in a cabana at the ocean. Yeah it really takes me there! It smells so good that I can't stop sniffing myself and my skin feels great!

*Original Moisturizing Liquid Soap*  
The liquid soap worked just fine for its purpose. It's scent reminded me of a cherry almond soap I've used in the past. It lathered ok and felt as if there was lotion in the mix. My hands didn't dry out afterwards as they tend to do with handwashing. This product would be great for use in the kitchen or bathroom.


*Creme De Peppermint Natural Toothpaste*
Ahh, I absolutely love this toothpaste. This paste is fluoride and Carrageenan free. Therefore it is a thinner, white paste. Carrageenan is a substance used in many foods to make it have a thicker consistency. It also may cause inflammation, gut irritation and possibly cancer. This paste does not feel gritty in texture. A BIG plus in my book.  While brushing, I felt as if this product may have hydrogen peroxide in it due to the bubbly sensation it left in my mouth. It had a pleasant taste and no bad aftertaste. I have very sensitive gums and it was very gentle. My mouth felt minty fresh after brushing. Just a smidge of this product is all that is necessary. I probably have 4 more applications left in my sample packet.

The only poduct I did not try yet was the sunless tanner. I'm saving that one for something special and will update after use. As you can see, I have so many great things to say about Nature's Gate. I look forward to continuing the use of their line. Please check out their site to learn more about them at:

Nature's Gate is also big on giving back. They are proud partners with Water Aid. To learn more visit:

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